Only real seeds are capable of exchange

Quem semeia ventos colhe tempestades

You reap what you sow... or so we’ve heard somewhen last century. Since humankind allowed profit based pharmaceutical companies to manipulate the identity of agricultural crops and to monopolize its markets, that we stopped being able to recognize all seasons of life. And the amount of time and work that it takes for each one to take place.

What distinguishes the ancient strain of plants from the seedless genetic modified one is the ability to defend itself from the depth of exquisite eco-systems. Modern plants are isolated in their monocultural atmosphere being receivers only. Where did we see this before?...

Before we rushed into bio-chemically feeding the billions that we became, Nature itself would decide what dies and what remains, accepting that sickness is part of the process of life, as much as birth, aging and death. In our quest for abundance, we became blind to our condition as dependent animals in a plural world, imposing our self created rhythm to all living things. As if it would be possible to simply extend our possibilities of life to extreme and to eliminate all predators without consequences.

Seeds are signs of renovation and if we can’t find them in our food, the future is probably not worth much. If there is still any hope for the re-creation of Nature, it lies in the possibility of establishing a stable natural basis for restoring diversity. If you are rich enough to access to natural seeds, please do take the time to sow and water them. Don’t forget to take care of the soil. May you watch the growth in peace and be grateful for the harvest. 



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