Forever chasing the dream

Oh there are things that I keep missing (and that I can’t wait to relive again and again), others that make me think more and more if they’re still worth it. Not the 1st of May in Berlin. I wish that most of my comrades from all around the world were still here daily, though. So much regarding system change and long lasting idealism used to feel fucking real with them. Those memories of collective creative actions’ preparations are among my golden times here, when I still believed with all my heart to have found safe ground in these streets and rarely doubted my will to stay here forever. It was that important to me to feel less like an alien among them, I truly believed for a long while that I had found my corner of the planet, a so called home, intelectual and emotionally. That I could simply, finally, relax and thrive. I am still on my way to feel so more often, but very much committed to other kind of community (and surroundings), one that I hope to be developed in a less volatile way. Home is where my dreams are, at the moment.



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